Frequently Asked Questions

  • I want to perform, but don’t want people to view my sets after.

    No worries! We totally get the need to hide stuff you’re still working on. We have settings that allow your sets to remain private and can easily switch to public if you want them available. You can also download it too. You are in total control of your content. We’re not out to take it or do anything with it. You made it, it’s yours to use as you want. If you have any other concerns, please reach out to us. You’ll quickly realize we’re the good guys.

  • I’m in a noisy place but want to participate as an audience member.

    Mute your mic (it’s the button that looks like a microphone on the middle of your screen on the right) and use the tap cheer feature. Just tap anywhere on the screen during a show and you’ll see your tap cheer on the right side of the screen. You can customize your cheer icon by tapping on the button on the bottom right.

  • My video/audio cuts out sometimes, what’s up with that?

    aLiveShow is a livestream platform, so strong internet is the best way to avoid buffering issues. We recommend that you connect to a strong wifi signal before joining a Set. Try not to move around alot when you perform, it makes everyone dizzy and can make you cut out too.

    Also, spinning ceiling fans are the worst. And please, no driving or showering while performing.

  • There was a heckler in my show.

    Though rare, some people suck and like to ruin the fun for others. Every performer has a master mute button that you can turn on during your set if audio is disruptive. We have bouncers and people listening out for that kind of thing. Let us know ASAP about any audience interruption and we will address the issue. Heckling is not tolerated and will result in a ban from the app.

  • I love you guys and what you’re doing! How can I help?

    Aw, thanks you’re the best! We are a small team of 3 that do this all in our spare time. So we really appreciate all support.

    Donate to our Patreon. Our app is free, but we do have operating costs (video doesn’t come cheap). By supporting our Patreon, you help us offset costs, get to join our cool Slack community, and get to help with feedback and beta testing of future app versions!

    Follow us on social media and help spread the word. Let your friends, fans, and comedy clubs know about aLiveShow.